Designing Websites With SEO And Conversions In Mind

Whatever you want your customers to do – buy your product, engage your services, make a donation to your charity – a well-designed website can help you achieve it. Conversion is the process of taking a visitor to your website through a process just like these.

Good SEO, on the other hand, can help at the beginning of the conversion process by attracting visitors to your site, and ensuring that they get relevant content once they’ve arrived. So how do you make your website conversion and SEO-friendly? Here are a few simple tips to get you started.

Keep your design simple

It’s tempting to design a website that ‘pops’, ‘whizzes’ and generally looks snazzy. Which is all very well. But before you reach for the nearest Flash developer, remember that ultimately, your visitors are looking for content, not design.

Visitors to your website are more likely to convert …

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