Web Sites With Style

CSS stands for cascading style sheet. It’s the means by which developers separate a website’s content from its design – enabling a consistent style (in terms of fonts, colours, text layout and so on) throughout the site.

Consider, by way of comparison, your regular newspaper. It will have, roughly, the same look and feel every day.

The masthead will appear in the same place. The headlines and subheads will retain the same fonts. Photographs and captions will be presented in a similar way. And the text will, usually, adhere to a fixed length, width and number of columns.

All that changes, in fact, is the content: the text (of the articles), the photos and ads.

On the web, this style is dictated by the CSS.

There are many benefits to using CSS – not least, easy maintenance: CSS allows you to make extensive changes to your entire site …

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Essential Factors of the Web Development Contract

This article discusses the factors which a company should include in the website development contract.

The website works as an identity card for the company. It is the virtual presentation and image of a real company. Online presentation has become the new age need for every business to gain maximum profit from virtual trading. The website is always of importance and because of this it has created the need of professional website developers. It happens to many companies that they do not have any experience to deal with website developers and they end up with the wrong outputs. Few factors are discussed here which every company should take care before doing any contract for website development.

It happens few times that website developer has all the controls of the site. This creates mishap for the website owner company as the company cannot change any content, images or any …

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