6 Reasons to Choose a Local Web Designer

These days, you can probably pay someone in a Third World country peanuts to produce a half decent website for you. The trouble is that there are so many reasons why this could turn out to be the worse decision you’ve made all year.

So why should you choose a local web designer? Here are our top SIX reasons that you should:

ONE: Face-to-Face

This is the primary reason for choosing a local web designer. It’s difficult to really discuss your needs in depth when you can’t sit down with the designer for a discussion. If you’re based in Manchester, it makes sense that your web designer’s Manchester based. This way you can keep in constant personal contact and of course, this keeps the company-client relationship healthy and on track.

TWO: Competitive

When you choose a local Manchester web designer, you’re selecting someone that fully comprehends the local …

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Do I Need a Different Website Design From the UK to the USA?

The Internet makes it easier than ever before to turn a small company into one that could be considered a multinational corporation; but many business owners are unaware of the differences between companies. While it seems easy to make your products available all over the world, there are some variables that you will have to look into if you wish to accomplish this.

The reason for this is primarily due to the fact that different countries have different terminologies and this can become confusing for customers who visit. For example, if you are marketing your company to both British and American interests, it might be wise to take a few things into consideration when designing your website.

The first thing that you will want to consider is the type of language that is used, as American and British English have their differences. While many of these differences might …

Do I Need a Different Website Design From the UK to the USA? Read More