What is Web 2.0 and is it Important For Your Web Business?

What is Web 2.0 and is it Important For Your Web Business?

Do you ever feel you’ve missed something but it’s too embarrassing to own up and admit you don’t know what it means? Me too. And a prime example is the phrase “Web 2.0”. I know it’s been around for a while, but I’m not even sure I could give a coherent answer if I was asked about “Web 1.0”!

Well, understanding Web 2.0 is really important for internet marketers, so if you are setting out building your online business, this informative article will explain everything you need to know about Web 2.0.

First – some kind of definition. Basically, Web 2.0 is a move away from, and beyond, static web pages that we are all familiar with. It’s the movement to dynamic and shareable content, as well as social networking.

So we’re talking about web pages that are no longer defined by the structure of the HTML that they’re coded …

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Popular Trends in E-Commerce Websites

Popular Trends in E-Commerce Websites

The number of consumers approaching the online shopping mode is on an increasing trend. e-commerce websites have done remarkably well in the recent times, to innovative unique styles of the product display, methods to improve the headcount and flexible payment options. All online companies have tried to keep pace with the changed requirements and demands by innovative techniques.

Here are some popular e-commerce website trends that demonstrate the direction of online shopping and provide an insight into the strategies adopted by businesses to navigate the unfathomable sea of web-based retail industry.

Trend # 1: Touch based interface

The smartphones and tablets have entered the market with a rage and studies reveal that around 49% of the population tends to browse e-commerce stores through mobile devices. Hence, all leading online stores have changed their website design to adapt to all possible browsers, and provide different viewing options of desktop, mobile and …

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